Welcome! My name is DAVE BENSON.

Let me tell you a little more about why this site exists, who I am, and how I may be of service to you …

My mission here at CoachDaveBenson.com is to help you do more of what matters.

But for most of us, money gets in the way.

Money is the reality that keeps us stuck at a 9-to-5 grind for too many years. You might say that we’re “making a dying” instead of truly living.

I’ve been there too. I basically worked to pay the bills and stay afloat financially.

But when I finally learned to acquire and profit from real estate investment properties, the rat race of working for dollars finally began to slow down.


I want to help you do what matters. Life is too short.

And real estate investing is one of the best tools to help you retire early so that you regain your most precious resource – TIME.

If you’d like to learn more about my real estate investing tools and philosophy, start here.

If you’ve like to learn more about me and why I go by “Coach,” keep reading!

Why the name “Coach?”

The best coaches and mentors in my life were always enthusiastic teachers. They truly cared about my success. They never allowed me to settle and pushed me to be my best.

When I started writing and teaching about real estate investing, I decided to borrow the name coach.

I want to help you win. And I care about your success with investing and even more with life.

I don’t know it all, but here on CoachDaveBenson.com I’ll share what I know about real estate investing, money, and life. And I’ll deliver it in the most practical way possible so you can use what you learn.

If that sounds good, welcome to the team!





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